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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 10 Issue Taskbars
Nikolaus   2015-08-03 11:46

Ultramon has worked fine here with Windows 8.1.

Just upgraded to Windows 10 Pro with 3 Monitors.

All smart taskbars are working basically, but they have their height doubled and show a solid white background color and the taskbar entries aren't readable.

Here is a screenshot of one such a taskbar:

Nikolaus   2015-08-03 12:12

Just figured out that Windows 10 does support such smart taskbars for each monitor as well. So i disabled the taskbars of Ultramon and activated those integrated in Windows 10.

Christian Studer   2015-08-03 17:17
Starting with version 3.3.0 UltraMon uses the built-in multi-monitor taskbar on Windows 8 and later, for more on this see Taskbar Extensions / Smart Taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 10 Issue Taskbars

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