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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 10 issue with display profile
Aaron   2015-10-03 04:52
I have two monitors and use two display profiles to switch between the two. One profile to enable the secondary/disable primary and a second profile to do the opposite.
I have a shortcut for a game which uses the display profiles. The profile works great when I use it to start the game(the secondary monitor is enabled and the primary is turned off) but when I exit the game and it switches back to the primary, the secondary monitor stays on because windows 10 duplicates the display on both monitors. I have to go into Windows display settings and make it just show my primary.
My profiles worked great in windows 7, this just started happening when I upgraded to 10.

Christian Studer   2015-10-03 13:22
Which version of UltraMon are you using?

Christian Studer -
Aaron   2015-10-10 05:35
I'm using 3.3.0
Christian Studer   2015-10-10 13:27
What happens if you start the system in the regular configuration (only monitor 1 enabled), then apply the profile which sets the 'monitor 1 only' configuration? Does this also cause the monitor to get duplicated on monitor 2, or does everything remain as is?

Christian Studer -
Aaron   2015-10-13 14:24
I just realized, I'm using an ultramon shortcut to launch my game on the second monitor, not a profile, sorry for any confusion. The shortcut starts a game launcher which I then start the game from. The game is rFactor2 in case you need that.

The issue happens after my game exits and the shortcut tries to restore the original settings (which was monitor 1).

I've found another way to duplicate the issue outside of the game shortcut. I have two profiles set up to switch between the two monitors. I can use the profiles manually and they work fine as long as only one monitor is active. If I change my display settings to "duplicate the displays" the profiles don't work anymore. The screens will flicker but they both stay in the duplicate option no matter which profile I apply.

Hope this helps.

It seems like when the game runs, windows 10 somehow sets the displays to the "duplicate the screens" option when the game exits and the profiles/shortcut can't change things back to the main monitor.

Christian Studer   2015-10-14 12:30
UltraMon won't be able to change display settings if the system is in clone mode.

Does the game change the display resolution? Maybe that causes the operating system to switch to clone mode. If that's the case, it might be worth a try to have the UltraMon display profile already set the display resolution used by the game.

Christian Studer -
Aaron   2015-10-14 15:24
The game uses the same resolution as the desktop but I believe the game does change the resolution down during the intro screens so that may be the culprit.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 10 issue with display profile

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