Mike 2015-10-11 07:02
I have a 3 monitor setup and use Ultramon 3.2.2
I am changing this computer back to a single monitor. I did this several years ago (version 2?) and had many applications opening on the missing monitors where I could not see them. This was a pain to move them to the active monitor. Is there something I can do in advance so I don't go through this again?
Christian Studer 2015-10-11 12:45
Make sure the secondary monitors are disabled in UltraMon as well, you can do this via UltraMon menu > Display Settings.
This will take care of the issue for most applications, if you still have some which open offscreen run the MoveOffscreenAppsToPrimary script, then close the moved application to save the new position.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Mike 2015-10-12 07:05
Thank you Christian!