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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Office 2016
Marc   2015-10-22 00:21
The Ultramon buttons are not visible in the Office 2016 programs. Will there come a solution for that?
Christian Studer   2015-10-22 13:16
You'll get this if Office uses a dark title bar and the window buttons are dark as well on your system (for example on Windows 8).

To fix this, open Options for one of the Office applications, then under General set the Office Theme option to White.

Christian Studer -
Marc   2015-10-23 00:14
Just did this, The buttons still aren't there...
Christian Studer   2015-10-23 12:14
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Marc   2015-11-19 04:12
Sorry for thz lte answer, I've been away for some weeks.

Version: 3.3.0
Windows 10
Christian Studer   2015-11-19 14:30
Does this only happen if Excel is on the secondary monitor?

I'm aware of an issue where the window buttons aren't present if Excel 2016 is a) on a secondary monitor, b) the window is maximized, and c) taskbars for secondary monitors are disabled.

To fix this, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Excel and check the option 'force window buttons'.

Christian Studer -
Marc   2015-11-20 05:24
This happens in all Office programs. I tried your solution for Excel but he buttons don't appear...

But... I also choose 'Use alternate method to add windows buttons' and that works, also for the other Office programs.

Thanks for your support.
Christian Studer   2015-11-20 10:22
Glad to hear that, unfortunately I don't know why you would need to use that option, haven't seen this myself so far.

Christian Studer -
Marc   2015-11-27 07:08

I had to use the same settings foor Acrobat Reader DC to see the buttons...
Christian Studer   2015-11-27 15:10
This is necessary if Adobe Reader is using protected mode, which is the default.

That gave me the idea to check if Excel has a similar feature, and it does indeed have a protected view option for files downloaded from the Internet (which is also enabled by default), but for me this doesn't cause any problems with the UltraMon buttons.

Christian Studer -
NewTo2016   2016-01-02 06:49
The "Move Window" button for UltraMon conflicts with buttons in Office 2016 programs, placed over the top of them and in 3D format over their new 2D look. Is there a plan to fix this?
Christian Studer   2016-01-02 12:08
To fix this, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for the affected application and set the custom button spacing option. I would start with 50 pixels and adjust if necessary.

This is a new option in UltraMon 3.3.0, if you're using an earlier version you would need to move the buttons to the left for all applications, you can do this under UltraMon Options > Buttons and Menu Commands.

Regarding the look of the buttons on Windows 10: this will be fixed in the next release.

Christian Studer -
Jim F.   2016-01-15 11:14
I can't tell if this is an Ultramon issue or an Office 2016 issue. When expanding an Excel spreadsheet, in 2016, across five monitors running on two GeForce GTX650 cards (all under Windows 10), my data will only show on the left-most monitor. All other screens are greyed out.

If I disable my fifth, I can see the entire spreadsheet over the remaining four.

My monitor setup is: 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 all side-by-side.

I have 2 monitors (#'s 2 and 1) going into one GTX650 using 2 x DVI to VGA connectors). The second GTX650 setup the same way for #'s 4 and 3, but monitor #5 is an HDMI to VGA connector. I'm guessing either Office or Ultramon have an issue with the fifth connection as it belongs to my left-most monitor.
Christian Studer   2016-01-15 13:22
My guess would be a limitation of Excel. A couple of things you can try:

- to confirm that the issue isn't related to UltraMon, close UltraMon and then manually resize the Excel window across all 5 monitors and check if you still have the issue

- set monitor 5 as primary, this way no monitors will use negative screen coordinates (all monitors to the right of the primary use positive coordinates). Maybe Excel has an issue with large negative screen coordinates

Christian Studer -
Jim F.   2016-01-18 11:05
Disabling UltraMon and manually re-sizing the Excel spreadsheet didn't produce the issue. I was able to view the sheet across all five monitors.

I tried your suggestion to make #5 as primary, closing Excel then re-opening it and any spreadsheet, and the issue still exists.

My I.T. department is working to alter my setup from 5 monitors to 4 larger screens, eliminating that oddball HMDI connection that only #5 has. I'll post in the future if there's an issue with the 4 (which I don't anticipate).

Thank you for your help.
Christian Studer   2016-01-18 15:39
What happens if you leave UltraMon running and manually resize the Excel window, does that also work fine?

Christian Studer -
Jim F.   2016-01-19 14:33
Hmmm, now doing it that way causes one weird issue.

My data appears across *almost* all five screens if I resize manually while UltraMon is still running. The monitor on the very right only displays a 1/4 of the data and then the same grey/white-out.
Christian Studer   2016-01-19 15:00
You could try if disabling UltraMon features such as the window buttons for Excel fixes the issue, you can do this via UltraMon Options > Compatibility.

Christian Studer -
Jim F.   2016-01-20 14:39
No luck. Still experiencing the corruption on the monitor all the way to the right when manually pulling over the spreadsheet across all five, even with window buttons disabled.

I'll keep you in the loop when I switch to just the four, larger, screens. I'm almost positive there won't be an issue with that setup as Excel works fine with mine if I disable the monitor all the way on the left.
Christian Studer   2016-01-21 13:19
You'll probably need to disable menu commands and dragging of maximized windows as well, this way UltraMon won't install a hook in Excel.

Christian Studer -
Jim F.   2016-02-16 14:10
Christian, thank you for the advise. Trying that worked, but definitely defeated the purpose and ease of Ultramon.

I've since switched to four 24-inch widescreens running off of the two Nvidia GTX650s and all works well maximizing Excel across all four.

One oddity with my issue and the previous five monitors setup, I.T. installed Office 2010 and it had no corruption issues across all five. Only 2013 and 2016 Excel versions exhibited the issue. Go figure.
Christian Studer   2016-02-17 12:08
Unfortunately I can't test this myself, I tried resizing an Excel 2016 window via script, but it gets limited to the width of the desktop, which is only 3 monitors on my system.

Very odd issue, at the moment I don't see why having an UltraMon hook installed would cause problems with more than 4 monitors.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Office 2016

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