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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Task bar colour on 2nd monitor in Windows 10
Clive Wilson   2016-01-25 05:41
Since upgrading to Windows 10 the smart task bars work fine, except the task bar on my second monitor is white! Consequently some icons don't show.

Is there a way to change the colour or have it default to black as the primary monitor is??

Christian Studer   2016-01-25 13:50
Upgrading to UltraMon 3.3.0 will fix the issue.

3.3.0 uses the built-in multi-monitor taskbar on Windows 8 and later, UltraMon's own Smart Taskbar won't work correctly on Windows 8 and later.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Task bar colour on 2nd monitor in Windows 10

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