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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> remembering taskbar height / lost windows
adante   2016-01-26 18:12

I use ultramon on a laptop that is frequently connected to external screens at home/work - each of which has different monitors, layouts, resolutions etc. In my home configuration I actually have 1 screen connected directly via mini-display port, and another via the dock (long and painful reason for this, due to apparent limitations in the dock). At work I have two screens connected via dock.

Often my process for connecting can be a bit scrambled. For e.g. when leaving for work sometimes I will suspend the laptop, disconnect it from the dock, travel to work, connect to dock, resume. Other times I may disconnect it first and suspend (sometimes while it is undocking!) and then resume and connect to dock (sometimes while resuming).

All in all it seems to confuse ultramon (which is sort of understandable as it confuses windows as well).

What I'm finding is a couple of things:

1. I set all my taskbars to a height of 2 rows. I'm finding the ultramon smart taskbars keep resetting to 1 row in height.

2. The binding of tasks to smart taskbars is getting scrambled. For example:
2a. Sometimes the taskbar element for a window on screen 3 is sitting on the taskbar of screen 1 (the primary).
2b. Sometimes the taskbar element for a window on screen 1 exists is duplicated on both screen 1 and screen 3.

Regarding issue #2 I find that if I close explorer (via task menu) and restart it, this is resolved. It is just a bit tedious to do so. I was wondering if it was possible to force a task refresh from ultramon?

I can show a screenshot of #2 if desired but will need to redact it somewhat heavily, so have avoided this for now.
Christian Studer   2016-01-27 02:46
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
adante   2016-01-29 22:40
Sorry should have mentioned

Ultramon 3.3.0.

Windows 7 x64 SP1

Home setup is
Laptop Panel @ 1920x1280
Phillips BDM4065UC @ 2560x1440 (via dock DP)
Phillips BDM4065UC @ 2560x1440 (via laptop thunderbolt)

Work setup is
Laptop Panel @ 1920x1280
DELL U3014 @ 2560x1600 (via dock DP)
DELL U3014 @ 2560x1600 (via dock DP)
Christian Studer   2016-01-30 12:30
Does restarting the Smart Taskbar fix both the taskbar height and the task ordering issues?

You can do this quickly via right-click on the UltraMon icon in the system tray, then select Smart Taskbar > Enable from the menu.

Christian Studer -
adante   2016-02-17 17:03
Hi Christian,

Sorry for the late reply. From testing I think restarting the smart taskbar does fix the missing/confused tasks. It doesn't appear to fix the taskbar height, but that isn't major so I'm pretty happy at the moment.

Christian Studer   2016-02-18 14:04
Glad to hear that.

If you would like to troubleshoot this further please contact me at, I could create a test version of the Smart Taskbar which writes diagnostic information to a log file to help determine what exactly goes wrong.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> remembering taskbar height / lost windows

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