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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Hotkey move window to next
Stephen   2016-02-09 16:17
Have 6 screens, trying to utilize "Move window to next monitor" hot key.

Monitors are positioned 1,2,3,4,5,6

When using move window to next monitor, I thought it would go from 2 to 3 or 5 to 6, etc. But seems to not respect the numbering of the monitors, and goes from 3 to 4 to 1 to 2 to 6 to 5 to 3. It repeats in same order everytime.

How to get incremental move from say 2 to 3?
Christian Studer   2016-02-10 07:59
Please post the system information from UltraMon menu > About, and also let me know which version of UltraMon and Windows you're using.

Christian Studer -
Stephen   2016-02-10 08:15
Version 3.3.0

6 monitors
Current desktop: 5888x2160 (-2048,-1080 - 3840,1080)

Monitor 1 - HP L1950:
Settings: 1024x1280, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -2048,-200 - -1024,1080. Workspace: -2048,-200 - -1024,1040
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro K2200
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - HP L1950:
Settings: 1024x1280, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: -1024,-200 - 0,1080. Workspace: -1024,-200 - 0,1040
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro K2200
Device: \\.\DISPLAY7\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - VX2703 SERIES (primary):
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,0 - 1920,1040
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro K2200
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 4 - VX2703 SERIES:
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1920,0 - 3840,1080. Workspace: 1920,0 - 3840,1040
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro K2200
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 5 - VX2703 SERIES:
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1920,-1080 - 3840,0. Workspace: 1920,-1080 - 3840,-40
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro K2200
Device: \\.\DISPLAY6\Monitor0

Monitor 6 - VX2703 SERIES:
Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,-1080 - 1920,0. Workspace: 0,-1080 - 1920,-40
Video card: NVIDIA Quadro K2200
Device: \\.\DISPLAY5\Monitor0
Christian Studer   2016-02-10 11:56
The problem is the monitor arrangement, 1 and 2 are a bit above 3 and 4, and 6 and 5 are on top of 3 and 4.

If that's not your actual arrangement of the monitors, just go to UltraMon menu > Display Settings and arrange all 6 monitors in a single row, this will fix the issue.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Hotkey move window to next

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