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Glenn 2016-02-19 15:22
Hello, I have two monitors connected to a GTX970. Both are connected with a HDMI cable from the monitor to the display port on the GTX970 (HDMI to Display port cable). However, when I look in "Display Settings..." it show this:
Monitor #1: E2360 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 via HDMI
Monitor #2: E2360 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 via DVI.
Both monitors are connected the exact same way..any idea why the settings are showing one is HDMI and one is DVI?
Christian Studer 2016-02-20 07:31
UltraMon gets this information from the operating system, my guess would be that the display driver reports the wrong type of connection for some reason.
Christian Studer -
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