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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Maximize to Desktop and other commands not working
Nathan   2016-03-08 19:57

I just installed Windows 10 and upgraded to Ultramon 3.3.0. Now, the menu commands for maximize to desktop, etc. and the buttons don't work.

Everything worked fine before with Windows and the previous version of Ultramon.

Buttons and Menu commands are enabled in options.

Christian Studer   2016-03-09 12:35
Are the buttons/menu commands missing or do they just not work when you click on them?

Does the issue occur with all applications, for example also the Edge browser or Notepad?

Christian Studer -
Nathan   2016-03-12 21:07
After a few restarts and a couple patches, it seems the buttons are working now, except on one application called AlchemCharts. Any idea why one application would still have a problem?
Christian Studer   2016-03-13 06:26
Could happen if the application uses a custom window title bar, you could try if forcing the window buttons for the application fixes the problem.

To do this go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for the application and check the option 'force window buttons'. You may also need to set the custom button spacing option.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Maximize to Desktop and other commands not working

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