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Rich 2016-03-24 03:46
Hello, I'm using Windows 10 Two questions: 1. The icons in the upper right that move the windows from one monitor to another with one click don't show up in Chrome but they do in IE and all other apps that I've used so far. I'm used to certain apps not working with Chrome. Just wondering about it.
2. I click on the icon for Ultramon but the control panel where you make all the settings does not show up. I am clicking on it from the task bar and from the start menu.
Can anyone help with these issues? Thank you.
Christian Studer 2016-03-24 09:00
To access UltraMon settings, right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray (the area of the main taskbar with the clock), then select Options from the menu.
Regarding Chrome: you could try forcing the window buttons for Chrome, not sure though why that would be necessary on your system, usually this is only an issue on Windows XP.
To do this, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Chrome and check the option 'force window buttons'. You may also need to set the custom button spacing option.
Christian Studer -
Rich 2016-03-25 07:16
Thank you Christian.
I have been using UltraMon since 1996. It is by far one of the simplest and best apps I have ever used. It does exactly what it says it will do; no nonsense, no bloat, just what you need. It has worked consistently for the 10 years I've been using it. Every time there has been a new OS in the past 10 years UltraMon seemlessly and effortlessly handled it. I don't recall even once where the app got hung up and I couldn't use it. And you have always been responsive on the forums, and I even recall a couple of emails from you. I don't know how you do it.
You've have creatively built what Microsoft has never been concerned about doing, and made multiple monitors a pleasure. They should offer you a billion dollars for it.
Sorry for gushing, but you've earned it. Congratulations on this software, and thanks.
Christian Studer 2016-03-25 12:21
Thanks :)
Christian Studer -
Rich 2016-03-26 02:53
You're welcome.
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