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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Why doesn't the switch monitor button work on Task Manager?
Scott   2016-04-14 08:30
I have the UltraMon title bar button enabled for switch monitor. Clicking that button works for most apps, but it doesn't work for Task Manager. (It also doesn't work for Winamp, perhaps because of modern skins, though I haven't tried it with a classic skin.) Why is it that the button is unable to switch Task Manager to another monitor?
Christian Studer   2016-04-14 08:45
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

For me this works fine with UltraMon 3.3.0 on Windows 10.

Christian Studer -
Scott   2016-04-14 09:02
Right after I sent my message I realized I hadn't included OS or UM version. Sorry about that. I, too, am running 3.3 on Win 10.

Since you say it works for you, I tried it again. First, my configuration is a laptop connected to a dock with two external monitors: Monitor 1 is the laptop screen, Monitor 2 is the right external monitor, and Monitor 3 is the left external monitor. (They are physically laid out as 3 - 2 in front of me, and 1 off to the right.) Monitor 3 mirrors the laptop screen (so in the display control panel it says 1|3) and Monitor 2 is the desktop extended.

If Task Manager is on the left monitor (3) and I click the button, nothing happens. If I move Task Manager to the right monitor, then click the button it moves to the left monitor and changes to a really big size. (That resizing is weird because no other app gets resized when I click the button to move it from the right to the left monitor.)

Anyway, I had never tried moving from right to left because I am only ever trying to move from left to right when I am docked and wanting to move some windows to the extended desktop (I use a PowerShell script to do that). Do you know why the behavior is this way?

Christian Studer   2016-04-14 14:12
My guess would have been an issue related to per-monitor DPI scaling, but for me that also works fine with Task Manager and other applications.

Might still be worth a try to check if you're currently using per-monitor DPI scaling, to do this go to Start Menu > Settings > System > Display, then select each monitor and check the 'size of text' setting: if it's not the same value for all monitors (for example 100%) you would be using per-monitor DPI scaling.

Christian Studer -
Scott   2016-04-20 16:45
Well, that's weird. I coincidentally tried it just now while moving some windows to the other monitor, and Task Manager just moved over fine. And when moving it back (with the button), it didn't resize. I rebooted today after some OS patching, so I assume it because of that, but I am almost certain I had rebooted a number of times over the months when I was first troubleshooting and then posting on this forum. So why this reboot supposedly fixed it, I don't know. But, the good news is that it is working just like any other window.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Why doesn't the switch monitor button work on Task Manager?

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