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Damien 2016-04-26 07:02
Hello, I installed and put the configuration for three Displays. When i start the cloning, it's ok with three Displays. The problem is when i start to again the computer, the function cloning start not automatically, i must to start manually the cloning.
Do you have a idea?
Damien Genolet
Christian Studer 2016-04-26 08:40
To set this up, create a new shortcut and set the Location of Item field to the following:
"%ProgramFiles%\UltraMon\UMMirrorClient.exe" /start lastmode
Then place the new shortcut into the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder.
Christian Studer -
Damien 2016-04-27 04:45
Thanks for the Top Service. It's ok.
A good day
Damien Genolet
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