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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Trouble with settings after re-installing
Hurley   2016-05-17 07:15
I had to do a complete recovery and restore on my computer which wiped out all of my programs. I re-installed my Ultramon and now it doesn't work that same way.

I want it to work so that my two monitors show two different desktops. I have played around with the display settings on the monitors themselves and that isn't helping.

In the upper right hand corner of each monitor there used to be some icons which would allow me to move something over to the other monitor or stretch a document across the two monitors. Now it only shows the exact same thing on both monitors or everything on one monitor and just a blank desktop on the other.

I need it to go back to the way it was before my computer had problems. I'm not very tech savvy so I don't know all the correct terminology.

How can I get it back to that same configuration with different desktops on each monitor, icons on each task bar for only the things I am using on that specific monitor, and having the ability to move things over to the other monitor or stretch them across both with the touch of a button in the upper right hand corner?

Thank you

Christian Studer   2016-05-17 13:22
Changing to extended desktop mode will fix the problem, to do this right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray and select Windows Display Properties from the menu, then change the Multiple Displays setting to Extend Desktop.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Trouble with settings after re-installing

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