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Steph 2016-05-22 17:01
Before I upgraded to Windows 10 all the program icons where displayed in the taskbar in which the program is run. Since Windows 10, using UltraMon 3.3.0, the primary monitor taskbar displays all the program icons, regardless of which monitor they appear in.
The weird thing is that the secondary and third monitor also include all the program icons but just the icons themselves whereas the primary includes the icons in their full version.
I would like to have the icons appears in full version in the relevant monitor's taskbar.
Am I missing something or is this a bug or something new with UltraMon?
Steph 2016-05-22 17:06
Wow, I've been wanting to mention this for a few weeks and have looked into the settings several times. Of course the second I mention I find the setting!! Good old case of Rubber Ducky Debugging:
Anyways for those who encounter this the setting is under Taskbar Extensions. You want to select the "Standard" mode. For whatever reason after the upgrades my mode had been shifted to the "Mirror" mode. That combined with a weird setting in Windows itself where it combined the program icons in the non-primary monitors.
It's all back to normal now. Sorry to bother you.
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