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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> MultiInstanceIEexe not using both monitors
Bryan   2016-06-03 13:22
I've downloaded and attempted to use the script MultiInstanceIEexe but it only opens the 2 IE windows on the monitor they were last open. I've been going through the script to make the change with no joy. Is there any advise you can give to solve the issue any help is greatly appreciated.

Christian Studer   2016-06-03 14:46
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Bryan   2016-06-03 15:01
Windows 10 and Ultramon 3.3.0

Christian Studer   2016-06-03 15:46
I have uploaded a modified version of the script which works with IE on Windows 10.

There were two issues, the script tried to move a hidden window with the same caption as the regular IE window, and window captions are different from previous versions of IE, for example with a fullscreen window the caption for used to be "Realtime Soft - Windows Internet Explorer" but is now " - Realtime Soft - Internet Explorer".

Christian Studer -
Bryan   2016-06-06 06:08
Christian, thank you very much for looking into this, I only have one more question. I am changing the setting in the script to not use full screen, what or how can I find what the caption is for non-full screen IE? Again I appreciate any assistance.

Bryan   2016-06-06 09:13
I have solved the issue, thank you for the assistance.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> MultiInstanceIEexe not using both monitors

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