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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> MirrorMon Addon
Alex   2016-06-10 20:16
Hey I purchased a copy of Ultramon a while ago and works perfectly for what I use it for.

Although a problem i had was that when I used the mirroring option it would take up an entire monitor when i only needed to mirror a small part so then I looked in the addon section and found MirrorMon addon, but there isn't an option to flip vertically in the mirroring options like there are with ultramon

Could you please help me understand how to enable this using the command line?

I use this software to invert stock charts.

So I like the option of the addon to just mirror one window and be able to drag it around easily.

Thanks I am hoping there is a solution for this.

I have purchased a license so I can provide that information as well

Christian Studer   2016-06-11 15:34
MirrorMon doesn't support flipping, but I'll look into this for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Alex   2016-06-11 18:51
Sweeeeet that is awesome! I am looking forward to it :)
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> MirrorMon Addon

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