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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows10
Randy   2016-07-01 05:26
With Windows 7 UltraMon works great! Windows 10 I found a few strange issues I hope there is a fix:

1) I am able to hide the Taskbar on the primary monitor, however this setting must be the same on the secondary monitor. I have auto hide on primary and always on top on secondary monitor (Works Win7 not on Win10).

2) ScrPlayer since it runs as a program it does not cover the taskbar. Is there a way to override the taskbar settings (a real screensaver covers the whole screen). Is there a way to have this with ScrPlayer (same on both 7 & 10)

3) I invoke the screensaver on the secondary monitor as: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ScrPlayer.exe ssmypics.scr 2 (works great on 7 & 10). The problems is I need to stop the ScrPlayer. The only way I've found is via a script:
@echo off
start C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskkill.exe /f /im ScrPlayer.exe
start C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskkill.exe /f /im ssMyPics.scr
This works on Win 7, however under Win 10 the "dos window" that is created from the batch file does not close. Is there a better way of stopping the screensaver on the secondary monitor?
Is there an ScrPlayer parameter that I'm missing?

Thank so much for any ideas to resolve!
Christian Studer   2016-07-01 15:00
1) Unfortunately there's no fix for this, on Windows 8 and later the built-in multi-monitor taskbar gets used, which doesn't support per-taskbar autohide settings.

2) This works fine for me on Windows 10, ScrPlayer covers the whole monitor and hides the taskbar. I used version 1.1 (64-bit) of ScrPlayer for testing (with Ribbons.scr), which version are you using?

3) Just click on the ScrPlayer window, then press ALT+F4. This also works with other applications.
If you would prefer doing this from a script let me know, the best way would be via VBScript and UltraMon's scripting features, the script would send the ScrPlayer window the close command.

Christian Studer -
Randy   2016-07-02 07:40
1) ugh! I have auto-hide on primary, and on top on secondary with true launch toolbar on secondary with clock. I saw some toolbar options that worked with windows 10, are there any good digital clock apps that work with windows 10 secondary monitor for medical office?

2) Second monitor screensaver always on top,, ssMyPics.scr on Monitor 2. Screensaver does not fullscreen over taskbar

3) Alt-F4 didn't work (complicated medical sign-in sonar), but TogleScrPlayer did!
Christian Studer   2016-07-02 15:29
1) I don't know about clock apps, but if you mainly use the taskbar on the secondary monitor you could also move the main taskbar to that monitor. To do this, first make sure taskbars aren't locked, then drag the taskbar to the other monitor with the mouse.
Toolbars can be added to the main taskbar, but not to secondary taskbars.

2) Works fine for me also with ssMyPics.scr from 64-bit XP, not sure what would cause the problem on your system. What happens if you click on the ScrPlayer window, does the taskbar then get hidden?

Christian Studer -
Randy   2016-07-03 17:34
ScrPlayer runs! It shows the app running in the task bar, but It does NOT cover the Tasha's. The taskbar is visible the hole time.
Christian Studer   2016-07-04 12:59
I know what you mean, but what happens if you activate an app on the primary monitor, then activate ScrPlayer on the secondary monitor by clicking on its window with the mouse? This will bring the app to the foreground, and may cause the taskbar to get hidden so that the ScrPlayer window fills the whole monitor.

Christian Studer -
Randy   2016-07-04 15:24
There is a program running on primary monitor. A sonar activates/deactivates a function hotkey in ultramon which runs scrplayer ssMyPics.scr on the secondary monitory. When the screensaver is running on the secondary monitor, the taskbar shows the app running and not full screen.
Christian Studer   2016-07-04 16:48
I thought ScrPlayer was running fullscreen, but the taskbar was on top of the ScrPlayer window? If that's not the case, can you send me a screenshot of the desktop showing the issue to

Christian Studer -
Randy   2016-07-08 17:40
Sorry for the confusion, the ScrPlayer is running fullscreen, but the taskbar is on top of the ScrPlayer window!

I have sent a screenshot to the requested email. Any idea?
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows10

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