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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> True Launch Bar
SeismicGuy   2016-09-19 11:35
With Win 7 I was able to have TLB appear on both displays. I recently updated to Win 10 and this does not seem to be supported anymore.

Christian Studer   2016-09-19 14:41
Unfortunately that's no longer supported, on Windows 8 and later the built-in multi-monitor taskbar gets used (UltraMon doesn't add its own taskbars), which doesn't support toolbars on secondary taskbars.

Christian Studer -
SeismicGuy   2016-09-19 15:21
Christian--there was an interesting consequence though right after the update from Win 7 to Win 10. The taskbar on the second display still did include the True Launch Bar!! It worked fine for quite a while until I decided for some odd reason to remove the taskbar on the second display and then later add it back again. That is when I lost the True Launch Bar on the second display.

However, the fact that it was successfully there until I screwed around with things is interesting. Is there an explanation for why it was there initially after the Win 10 update?

Christian Studer   2016-09-19 15:44
Not sure why that would happen, unless you were using 3.2.2 or earlier or were running UltraMon in Windows 7 compatibility mode I don't see how toolbars would work on the secondary taskbar.

You can force UltraMon to add its own taskbars, so the Smart Taskbar from 3.3.0 will work the same way as on Windows 7, but please note that this isn't a supported configuration and may not work correctly or at all. To enable this, run regedit.exe and go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>, then create a new DWORD value named UmTbarWin7LegacyMode and set it to 1.

Christian Studer -
SeismicGuy   2016-09-20 09:26
Well I am not sure what I did but when I started the computer last night the taskbar appeared on both primary and secondary monitors and, wouldn't you know it, True Launch Bar was also on both taskbars. Go figure.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> True Launch Bar

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