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Tom 2016-09-30 10:27
Does UltraMon provide the ability to assign a DVI output as MONITOR #1 while a HDMI device is attached?
I’m using Windows 10 with two 22” monitors (DVI), and a 48” TV (HDMI). My problem – any HDMI device is assigned as MONITOR #1 (Windows Default). I need the ability to assign a DVI device as MONITOR #1. A DVI MONITOR is assigned at DISPLAY #1. The TV (DISPLAY #3) is used only at night to stream online movies. When the TV is turned-on, all works fine. But turn the TV off, and the DISPLAY #’s are reassigned, making the TV DISPLAY #1 (yes, even with it turned-off). Turning the TV on restores the DISPLAY #’s to their correctly assigned monitors.
Christian Studer 2016-09-30 16:03
Why would you want to do this? UltraMon can change its own monitor numbering, but not the one used by Windows.
Christian Studer -
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