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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Office 2016
Artie   2016-12-22 09:20
Running Windows 10, using Office 2016. On my second monitor, the Move and Maximize to Desktop buttons are not visible when an application is maximized. I tried playing with the custom spacing values but there was no change in the problem. What am I doing wrong?

Christian Studer   2016-12-22 14:58
I've seen this on Windows 10 if taskbars aren't enabled for secondary monitors. As a workaround go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for the affected applications and check the 'force window buttons' option.

Christian Studer -
Paul Fenstermacher   2017-04-24 13:54
I just upgraded to Office 2016, have been on Windows 10 for quite some time. I also found that the icons to move applications are not visible when applications are maximized. I looked at Compatibility and don't see the Office suite of products to select. Where is that done? Thanks.
Paul Fenstermacher   2017-04-24 13:58
I also noticed that after upgrading to Office 2016 all task bars now have the start button, cortana, and the task view button even though each task bar only has applications open on that monitor. Additiionally the task bar on the primary monitor won't hide.
Christian Studer   2017-04-25 13:49
Under UltraMon Options > Compatibility, click on Configure Settings to create settings for the Office applications.

You can hide the search box and task view button via right-click on the taskbar, to hide the start button on secondary taskbars go to UltraMon Options > Taskbar Extensions and enable the 'remove Start button' option.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Office 2016

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