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John 2017-03-18 10:34
I am not really sure this is an ultramon issue, however I have two almost identical systems and it only happens on the multi-monitor/ultramon system so figured I would ask here. Win7pro x64, gigabyte z270n-wifi onboard triple-monitor Intel HD 630 graphics, three dvi Samsung 204B monitors.
On my three-monitor/ultramon system, once every couple days I will close a window and yet its display contents will remain on the screen, like a video buffer remnant. I can make it go away by clicking on another tab or opening another program, and based on some net research just created a batch file that issues this command "taskkill /im dwm.exe", which apparently will also make it go away.
In my system properties I use "adjust for best performance" which unchecks animation and fading. On display personalization I use the windows classic theme. Am open to any other suggestions. Thanks!
Christian Studer 2017-03-18 12:50
Seems unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon, my guess would be a display driver issue, if you haven't done this already I would recommend installing the latest drivers for the video chipset.
dwm.exe is the Desktop Window Manager which handles desktop composition when using the Aero theme, don't know what it does when the classic theme is used instead.
Christian Studer -
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