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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mouse getting stuck on one monitor moving to another - now using hotkeys
Suzanne   2017-03-28 07:44
I installed this on Windows 10 and it is working slightly different. I am noticing that the mouse gets stuck moving from one monitor to another so now i have to use the hotkeys to make it work (never had to do that before). Also I am wondering if it is how i have the windows 10 set up for dual monitor - (i have it on extend).

Christian Studer   2017-03-28 14:22
To fix this, go to UltraMon menu > Display Settings, then adjust the monitor arrangement by dragging the monitor icons so that it matches the actual arrangement of the monitors on your desk.

Christian Studer -
Suzanne   2017-03-28 15:18
Thank you so much! This fixed the issue!

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mouse getting stuck on one monitor moving to another - now using hotkeys

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