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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Feature Request
RJ   2017-05-30 10:14
Force an app to show on a certain monitor
-Add option in properties->ultramon-display
Christian Studer   2017-05-30 14:28
That's already supported, you can do this via the shortcuts feature (UltraMon menu > Shortcuts or open properties for an existing shortcut and configure settings on the UltraMon - Window tab), or with one of the PositionApp scripts.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2017-05-31 16:49
When I goto open properties for an existing shortcut and configure settings on the UltraMon tab, I do not see a spot to force it to open on monitor 1.
Christian Studer   2017-06-01 03:23
You'll need to check 'use custom settings', then set the option 'on monitor' as desired.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2017-06-02 08:08
set shortcut for monitor one and program opens on monitor two!
Christian Studer   2017-06-02 15:19
Looks like UltraMon can't position the application for some reason, with which application do you have this problem?

Christian Studer -
RJ   2017-06-04 13:29
proprietary dental practice management software
Christian Studer   2017-06-05 06:35
The PositionApp script should be worth a try, this works differently from the shortcuts feature and might work with your application.

Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Feature Request

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