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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Monitor Number
RJ   2017-07-31 10:09
Running Windows 10
-My primary monitor is "2"
-My secondary monitor is "1"
(never new how to reverse these and make primary monitor 1 *shame on Microsoft*)

On Ultramon: taskbar extension -> remove start button from "secondary taskbar", does not remove the taskbar from monitor "2".

I then tried:
display settings -> actions -> change monitor number (to swap the 2->1 and 1->2). This did not help with the remove taskbar from monitor 2.

Any ideas?
Christian Studer   2017-08-01 04:23
This option will only remove the start button (either from secondary taskbars only or from all taskbars), if you want to remove the second taskbar completely uncheck the option 'enable secondary taskbars'.

Regarding monitor numbering: what you could do is swap monitor cables, this way the monitor you're using as primary will get assigned number 1.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2017-08-03 09:10
checking/unchecking the option to remove the start button from the secondary taskbar does not remove the start button

>Regarding monitor numbering: what you could do is
>swap monitor cables, this way the monitor you're
>using as primary will get assigned number 1.
only one hdmi and only one vga on computer -- can't swap
Christian Studer   2017-08-04 14:41
Are you using any special settings for the taskbar? Not sure what might cause this, works fine for me.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2017-08-05 17:00
special setting?
Christian Studer   2017-08-05 17:40
Is autohide enabled or small taskbar buttons? To check for this, right-click the taskbar and select Taskbar Settings from the menu.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2017-08-08 09:44
Neither are checked.
Christian Studer   2017-08-09 03:08
Please send me your UltraMon settings to, to do this run regedit.exe, then right-click the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft and select Export from the menu to save it to a .reg file.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Monitor Number

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