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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Display Of Menu On Smart Taskbars Is Delayed And Takes Longer To Display Than That Of Primary Taskbar
Ascii2   2017-11-02 14:52
I have noticed that the display of the context menu on Smart Taskbars is delayed and takes longer to display than on the primary taskbar. The delay feels like a lag.

I request that the delay for the context menu to be removed.

I am using UltraMon 3.3.0 on Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3.
Christian Studer   2017-11-02 16:01
Not sure what might cause this, so far I haven't seen this on my XP test system.

Christian Studer -
Ascii2   2017-11-02 21:36
I just tested the issue in my VMWare Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 2 virtual machine with UltraMon 3.3.0 and have determined the delay/lag to also manifest.
jlariviere   2017-11-06 13:23
I tested the delay on a Win 7 system, and also have a delay.
It was the most significant the 1st time I right clicked; it took about 5 seconds for the menu to display.
In subsequent clicks, the delay is barely discernable, but is a touch longer than the main window.
JM Lebegue   2017-11-09 01:46
Regarding the delay to display the UltraMon: with Windows 10, I never get the UltraMon logo in the Smart menu after waiting for 1 hour.
I'm back on the 3.3 release.
Christian Studer   2017-11-09 02:21
JM Lebegue, do you mean the icon in the start menu?

This thread is about the menu you get when right-clicking an UltraMon taskbar on Windows 7 and earlier.

Christian Studer -
Jm Lebègue   2017-11-09 04:25
My problem is with the UltraMon hidden icons that desappears from the hidden icons menu (right of the taskbar) between the 3.3 and the 3.4 release.
The 3.4 release is probably running with the 3.3 configuration set but I dont found the menu that gives the access the UltraMon menu in the system.
Jm Lebègue   2017-11-09 04:48
Hello, my problem is solved.

When I've installed 3.4 for the first time without removing the 3.3 the UltraMon Hidden Icon deseappears.
After being back to the 3.3 release, cleaning the registry, I've unstalled 3.3 and reinstalled the 3.4.

All is right now.

I really don't know the origin of the problem.
This could come from the antivirus that put the UltraMon 3.4 in the "unsecure software list". I've received a message from the antivirus supplier 3 hours later saying that UltraMon 3.4 moves to "secure software list". May the reason of my problem.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Display Of Menu On Smart Taskbars Is Delayed And Takes Longer To Display Than That Of Primary Taskbar

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