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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Minimize button obscured
Robert Smith   2017-11-09 09:26
Since 3.4.0 release, the minimize button on most applications is obscured behind UntraMon's Choose Monitor button. Any help would be appreciated.

Robert Smith
Christian Studer   2017-11-09 15:19
Which version of Windows are you using, and do you also have this issue with applications like File Explorer or Microsoft Edge?

Christian Studer -
Robert Smith   2017-11-10 01:24
I use latest Windows 10, and Edge is Okay, as is Windows Explorer. But the minimize button is hidden with MS Word 16 and MS Outlook 16, FileCenter, and a few more.

Robert Smith
Christian Studer   2017-11-10 02:57
This happens with applications which use custom window title bars, to fix this go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for the affected application and set the custom button spacing option. I would start with 50 pixels and adjust if necessary.

Christian Studer -
Fabio   2017-11-13 02:32
Option doesn't change anything. Buttons are still at the same position.
Tried to set the spacing and close and reopen Ultramon, but nothing happen. Value of 50 is still set.

Any ideas?
Fabio   2017-11-13 02:34
Alright, my fault. I was talking about the general option. If I set it for outlook.exe specific, it works.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Minimize button obscured

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