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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UM display profiles get confused, displays wrong mon #
Eric Taylor   2017-11-12 15:30
I just added an amd rx 460 video card. I am also using the integrated hd 4600 hdmi (intel) video connections. So, I now have 2 monitors on the 460, (dvi, hdmi) and one on the intel integrated (hdmi). This is on my win10 with latest ultramon, both latest versions.

I've created a number of display profiles. Some have all 3, some have only 2 or 1. After switching between these, the profiles begin to get the wrong monitor assignments. When I choose identify monitors, the 2 hdmi monitors (on different controllers) sometimes get switched around. This changes their positions, so the mouse doesn't move to the correct monitor.

Is this a known issue; is there a fix or workaround?
Christian Studer   2017-11-13 00:45
To fix this, enable all 3 monitors, then run FixMonIds.vbs, this ensures that each monitor gets assigned a unique number. You may need to recreate the display profiles after doing this.

Christian Studer -
Eric Taylor   2017-11-13 10:42
Thanks, that has fixed it.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UM display profiles get confused, displays wrong mon #

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