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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> windows 10 vs 3.4 = crash
Phil   2017-12-01 04:27

I just get my computer upgraded to the latest version of Windows 10 and when I install the latest release (3.4 64bits) and it crash when it starts.

Currently, not usable at all...
Christian Studer   2017-12-01 14:22
What's the error message you get?

Christian Studer -
Jason   2017-12-06 13:52
Ultramon has stopped working

A problem cause the program to stop working correctly.

also there is a small ghost window with just min, max and close buttons at top left of screen
Christian Studer   2017-12-06 15:44
Are you using Windows 10 version 1507 or 1511? You can see the version under Start menu > Settings > System > About.

3.4.0 requires 1607 or later, but setup doesn't enforce this. If you can't upgrade Windows you would need to go back to UltraMon 3.3.0.

Christian Studer -
Michael Simon   2017-12-12 12:29
How do we get the older versions. I'm crashing as well due to having version 1511.
Christian Studer   2017-12-12 13:49
Michael, you can download previous releases here.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> windows 10 vs 3.4 = crash

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