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Jim 2017-12-20 11:00
I pushed the new version out to about 40 workstations using the MSI. I've now realized the licensing information and feature settings were lost on all the computers. For the licensing I'll uninstall and reinstall with these options: msiexec.exe /i "\\servername\APPS\Ultramon\UltraMon_3.4.0_en_x64.msi" /queit /norestart USERNAME="AB & C Company" PIDKEY=1234567890. Does anyone know how I can turn on the Smart Taskbar feature automatically during the install, and if there are any other features that I should enable?
Christian Studer 2017-12-20 15:54
You could do this by setting the ADDLOCAL property, see this thread for details.
Unfortunately I don't know why this would be necessary, during an upgrade the registration information and installed features should be preserved.
Christian Studer -
Jim 2017-12-21 13:12
You are right about the registration, I was looking at my computer, which I probably forgot to register. I'm not sure about the features - probably my mistake as well, but I've already made the new deployment so I'll keep it for any new installs. Thanks for the help, and for your outstanding support.
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