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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> only desktop icons have ultramon in the menu options
Dan   2018-01-02 12:34
With my desktop icons for apps I can right click, go to properties and then choose the ultramon tab. I cannot seem to do this for apps in explorer! Surely I don't have to move all my icons to the desktop for this to work?
Christian Studer   2018-01-02 13:04
The UltraMon tabs only get added to shortcuts, if you open properties for an application executable you won't get the tabs.

You can also create a new shortcut to an application via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts.

Christian Studer -
Dan   2018-01-03 01:08
Why are they only added to shortcuts? Means I have to make shortcuts for all the apps I need to use with Ultramon.
Christian Studer   2018-01-03 01:33
That's due to how this feature works, the shortcut launches UltraMonShortcuts.exe, which then launches the actual application and moves it to the desired monitor.

You could also use one of the PositionApp scripts instead, these don't require the application to be launched via a specific shortcut. Let me know if you're interested in this.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> only desktop icons have ultramon in the menu options

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