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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> QR codes
rob   2018-01-03 14:57
work in a dental office that uses Dolphin practice management software. within the software there is an option to open a QR code that can be scanned by the patient to save appointments in their phones calendar. we accomplish this by keeping a small monitor on the reception counter facing the patient. the issue im having is getting the QR code window to display on the correct monitor, as it opens. could obviously move the window manually with (win key + directional arrow but with the monitor facing the patient (opposite direction) this is difficult to keep sized correctly and centered for scanning. is the positionapp what im looking for?

Christian Studer   2018-01-03 15:25
PositionApp would move the main application window, but one of the PositionWnd scripts should work fine.

Would you prefer the window to get moved automatically when you open it, or would you want to press a hotkey to move it?

Christian Studer -
rob   2018-01-03 15:28
thank you very much sir! i would prefer automatic if possible

Christian Studer   2018-01-04 04:17
PositionWnds would do this, but doesn't support setting a specific size for windows.

I can send you a script which does this, to create the script I would need to know the window caption and class name of the QR code window, you can get this information by running WndInfoAll.vbs, this collects information about open windows and writes it to a file.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> QR codes

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