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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> EVE:Online Fixed Window positioning
Frazer   2018-01-14 11:29

I have recently upgraded to a 4K monitor from a 4x1920x1080 setup, on which I would run 4 EVE accounts - one on each monitor.

I can run EVE in Windowed mode, and have the 4 clients share the 4K screen, but I lose a lot of real estate with the borders, title bars etc.

EVE has the option for a Fixed Window (which is borderless) but this only opens in the top left corner. It seems like UltraMon should be able to move each of the clients to the correct position, but I can't work out the way to do it.
Any assistance would be great.
Christian Studer   2018-01-15 14:22
Can you position the window with the PositionWnd script? Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

If that works it should then be possible to create a script which positions all 4 clients.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> EVE:Online Fixed Window positioning

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