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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 3 monitors- move monitors button not showing correct order
James   2018-02-08 06:56
I have 3 monitors on my setup. They are physically in the order 3 - 1 - 2. However, when I click on the Change Monitor button, it shows the order as 2 - 1- 3 and if I am on 1 and want to move to the right (physically monitor #2), and click the right monitor (#3 in Ultramon) it moves to the left. Help, I have never had this problem before.

James Wilson
Christian Studer   2018-02-08 13:32
Sounds like the monitor arrangement is wrong, you can change this under UltraMon menu > Display Settings, select monitor 3 then click on Actions and select Swap Position with Monitor 2 from the menu.

Christian Studer -
James   2018-02-13 11:09
That the weird thing. If I go directly to windows, it shows the monitor order one way, but if I go in through ultramon to change the order, it shows it differently. If I change in either place, it changes in the other also, so that they remain in conflict and ONLY 1 is correct.
Christian Studer   2018-02-13 15:18
In that case the monitor numbering is different, you can change this via Actions > Change Monitor Number. But you'll still need to adjust the monitor arrangement, this is a separate issue.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 3 monitors- move monitors button not showing correct order

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