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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon breaks Start10
Bill   2018-02-19 12:45
RE: My Start10 forum post (skip to reply #20 for the UltraMon part).

Note at first I though it was a Windows update interfering with Start10. But after much experimenting, I discovered it was UltraMon breaking Start10.

I now suspect the problem started with the last big W10 Fall Creators Update, but that's just a guess on my part.

All I really know is as soon as UltraMon finishes loading, my Start10 start menu disappears. Disable UltraMon and Start10 works as expected.

I would like to use UltraMon again, but with Start10. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Christian Studer   2018-02-19 14:37
Under UltraMon Options > Taskbar Extensions, is 'remove Start button' or 'enable thinner vertical taskbars' checked?

Christian Studer -
Bill   2018-02-20 10:25
Remove Start button from "secondary taskbars" is checked (as it has been for years).

Thinner is not checked.
Christian Studer   2018-02-20 14:20
Try disabling the 'remove Start button' option, my guess would be that this is interfering with Start10.

Christian Studer -
Bill   2018-02-23 09:31
Sorry for not replying earlier. I don't get notices of replies.

That did not work. The Start10 start button/menu still disappears after UltraMon starts. :(
Christian Studer   2018-02-25 13:17
Which version of Start10 are you using? I have now tested with version 1.56, but so far haven't seen the issue.

Christian Studer -
Bill   2018-02-28 13:00
1.56 here also.
FWIW, W10 Pro, 64-bit, Build 16299.248
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti, Driver v23.21.13.8813
Samsung S24E650 monitor X 2
Windows Defender and Windows Firewall
Malwarebytes Premium
Christian Studer   2018-02-28 13:40
One thing you could try: run regedit.exe, then go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version> and set the AutoStart value to zero.

Restart the system, then launch UltraMon manually via the start menu and check if you still have the issue.

Christian Studer -
Bill   2018-03-02 10:42
With that Registry setting set to "0" and UltraMon removed from the Startup folder, when I start UltraMon manually after Windows fully boots, the Start10 start button remains.

Put UltraMon back in the Startup folder, restart Windows and Start10 disappears when UltraMon starts.
Christian Studer   2018-03-02 13:54
Seems to be some sort of timing issue, to fix this reinstate the shortcut in the startup folder, then in the registry set AutoStart to 1 and set AutoStartDelay to the number of seconds by which startup should be delayed, I would try 10 seconds.

Christian Studer -
Bill   2018-03-05 13:26
That still does not work. I tried 10 seconds. Then 30, and finally 60. Still, within just a couple seconds after the UltraMon icon appears in my system tray, the Start10 button disappears.

If I pull the UltraMon shortcut out of my Startup folder, no problems with Start10.

Only if I boot normally without UltraMon in the Startup folder and wait several minutes, then manually start UltraMon, do I have no problems.

So I don't know what is happening. Fortunately, W10 by itself, is managing my dual 24" monitor setup just fine. So I think I will let it be as is for awhile.

Thanks for your time.
Christian Studer   2018-03-05 17:20
I would try the same delay you're using when manually launching UltraMon, say 180 seconds.

Shouldn't matter whether you launch UltraMon manually or with the autostart delay, with the delay UltraMon.exe gets started by Windows after login, but then just waits for the specified number of seconds before doing any initialization.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon breaks Start10

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