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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> All windows move to Primary monitor after returning to this PC from a switchbox
Scott A   2018-05-23 11:01
Hoping someone can help me with this one.

I'm running Windows 10 on my main PC, but I also have several other machines connected to a KVM switchbox. I arrange several open windows on my main PC, with a few open on my primary monitor, and others open on the secondary one.

After I "switch" to another machine and come back to this one, all windows have moved to the primary monitor.

How can I retain my settings as I left them?

Thanks in advance,
Christian Studer   2018-05-23 13:16
UltraMon doesn't have an automatic fix for this, but you could manually save/restore the position of open windows using the Save and RestoreWndPos scripts.

Christian Studer -
Scott A   2018-08-31 07:06
Hi Christian,

Can you please provide me with the steps I need to accomplish this? It's driving me crazy.

Any idea why it works perfectly on other machines out of the box?
Christian Studer   2018-09-02 13:32
Run the SaveWndPos script before making the switch, then after switching back to the main PC run the RestoreWndPos script to restore window positions.

Does the PC where you have the issue use monitors connected via HDMI or DisplayPort? In that case my guess would be that the operating system detects that the monitors are no longer connected, then removes them from the desktop, which causes windows on those monitors to get moved.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> All windows move to Primary monitor after returning to this PC from a switchbox

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