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Peter 2018-06-12 04:10
Hi there,
I have a 1080p monitor and want to clone my PC-Game to my 4K OLED-TV (via HDMI connected), so that friends can watch from the couch e.g.. Cloning works, but the colors on the TV are wrong and the picture is just not sharp / showing lines.
If I am extending my monitor the TV-picture is just fine. Does anyone know what the reason for that is, or if UltraMon can help there?
Thanks in advance!
Christian Studer 2018-06-12 14:05
The video card's clone mode probably switches the TV to 1080p, not sure though why that would cause the issues you're seeing.
UltraMon mirroring won't do this, it will just upscale the 1080p image to 4K, but you should check if performance and image quality are sufficient for your needs, my guess would be that performance could be an issue for gaming.
Christian Studer -
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