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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Start button on secondary monitor
Paul D   2018-09-10 10:33
Recently the option to remove the Start button from secondary taskbars has stopped working, I suspect as a result of a Windows update. This would be just a minor annoyance, except that the Start button overlaps the leftmost application icon.
Christian Studer   2018-09-10 13:33
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Paul D   2018-09-10 18:48
Ultramon 3.4.0
Windows 10 v 1803 Build 171345.228
Christian Studer   2018-09-11 14:44
Do you have the task view or search/Cortana buttons enabled? Those can cause problems with this feature.

Otherwise this works fine for me with the same version of UltraMon and Windows.

Christian Studer -
Paul D   2018-09-12 10:32
Thanks. Don't use Cortana. I did have the Task View button turned on, but turning it off made no difference.
No big deal. I can live with it.
Christian Studer   2018-09-12 16:22
If you would like to troubleshoot this further please run SecTbarTestWin10.exe and send me the generated log file to

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Start button on secondary monitor

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