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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 10 build 1809
BadSeed   2018-09-29 06:31
Testing the final build 1809 scheduled for public release Oct. 2nd. I have tried a repair & have uninstalled & reinstalled UltraMon 3.40 but it doesn't work. IE11, Firefox 62.0, File Explorer & Office 2016 etc. I do see it in the systray so its running but the button to move to different monitors is missing.
Christian Studer   2018-09-29 13:37
Sounds like the issue from this thread, I'll look into this once 1809 has been released.

Christian Studer -
BadSeed   2018-10-07 05:58
Thank you for releasing 3.4.1 & fixing the 1809 issue.

Custom setting changes:
Firefox 62.0.3 - was 130 spacing but now 0
Word & Excel 2016 - was 120 spacing now 30
zyme   2018-10-14 15:37
Kinda funny, took me a while to realize Ultramon [3.4.0] was causing Chrome and Chrome based apps (Like IRCCloud Desktop) to crash, even though chrome regularly opened with a "list" of applications causing it to crash, with only Ultramon listed.

--I originally ignored the Chrome warning because it often gave the same warning in 1803 (The previous RTM Win10 Build) but chrome never actually crashed...
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 10 build 1809

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