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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> More than 5 monitors. Multiple configurations?
Klutzo   2018-10-02 10:27
Hi there,

Love the app so far, but I'm wondering if you can save multiple configurations.

I have 5 monitors, but only 1 video card, so can only have 4 simultaneously working.

How do I setup 2 or more separate configurations?

There is one monitor I only want in CONFIGURATION 1, when I want to view media, etc.

I want to disable that monitor in CONFIGURATION 2, when I want to do regular work.

thank you!

Klutzo   2018-10-02 10:28
Display Fusion has this feature, but I like Ultramon better, and don't want to use their sofware if I can avoid it. =>

Christian Studer   2018-10-03 02:55
You could do this with display profiles, to set this up right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray and select Display Profiles from the menu.

Christian Studer -
Klutzo   2018-10-03 15:07
Thanks Christian!

Where can you save, or load a different profile? i.e. so I can quickly hit CONFIG 1, and have the first 4 monitor setup, then hit CONFIG 2, and have it load the 2nd 4 monitor setup?

Klutzo   2018-10-03 15:46
Oh, I found a quick little utility FYI guys n gals.

Try this little gem!

Perhaps that functionality could be incorporated into the new Ultramon?

Christian Studer   2018-10-03 17:16
The display profiles you create get listed under UltraMon menu > Display Profiles. Or you could create hotkeys for the profiles via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
Klutzo   2018-10-17 11:09
Ahh.. ok.. that's what I was looking for! Profiles!

Hahaha.. I knew that was somewhere. Nice.

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> More than 5 monitors. Multiple configurations?

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