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Wild Willy 2018-10-04 12:07
I have tried to get UM to accept a fixed position for Firefox windows to no avail. This problem started happening when I added UM to my system. It happens when I do not have my secondary monitor enabled, as well as when I do. Primary is defined left of secondary. I have the Firefox window set to open at the full height of the monitor but not quite the full width. As I just posted in another thread, I need to leave a buffer area along the right side of the primary display to avoid bleed into the secondary. When I open the first Firefox window, which always goes to primary, it positions as I want, with the buffer area on the right. When I open subsequent Firefox windows, they are positioned against the right edge of primary with the buffer area at the left.
The above is true when I do not have the secondary enabled. If I have the secondary enabled, I have to do so when no Firefox windows are open. As long as both monitors are enabled but Firefox is not open, then the above behavior continues.
There is an extra twist if I have Firefox open & then I enable the secondary monitor. After enabling secondary, Firefox starts opening windows offset in 2 directions. Not only do the Firefox windows open with the right edge of the app window against the right edge of monitor 1, encroaching my buffer area, but they are offset down a small distance as well. Normally, a Firefox window opens at the full height of the display. But this is actually from the top edge of the display to the top edge of the Taskbar at the bottom. The offset of the Firefox windows is such that there is a gap at the top, & the bottom edge of the Firefox window is obscured by the Taskbar. The height is correct but the position is shifted down. The amount of offset is 2 arrow clicks. By that I mean that after opening the Firefox window, I use the system Move function on the context menu, and I click UpArrow twice to reposition the Firefox window up, so the Taskbar no longer obscures the bottom of the browser window. To cure the vertical offset error, I have to close all Firefox windows. Then the problem reverts to the one I describe in my first paragraph above, with the offset of Firefox windows from my desired positioning being only horizontal, not vertical.
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Ulramon 3.4
Christian Studer 2018-10-04 14:30
Did you configure position settings via UltraMon for the shortcut you use to launch Firefox? This will only work for the first instance, subsequent instances won't get positioned correctly.
It should be possible to do this with a custom script, if you're interested in this let me know.
Christian Studer -
Wild Willy 2018-10-04 22:39
Yes. I tried everything I could think of using the Mozilla Firefox Properties applet, UltraMon - Window tab. I've got custom settings checked, at position radio button selected, Left=0, Top=0, Width=1908, Height=1043. Those numbers were generated when I dragged/dropped the little icon off the Properties applet onto a correctly positioned Firefox window. That is what's documented as the thing to do, unless I misread the instructions. It's unexpected that this applies only to the first Firefox window. Also, the fact that Firefox has to be closed at the moment I enable the secondary monitor is a bit of a nuisance.
Your offer of a custom script is intriguing. What is involved in that? I'm assuming that's something you would write. I'm also assuming it would eliminate the double offset if Firefox is already open at the moment I enable the secondary monitor. Do please post it here with instructions of what I need to do to implement it.
Also, I don't see any way to get this Forum to send me E-mails when somebody responds to a thread in which I've posted. Is there a way to make this happen?
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Ulramon 3.4.1
Christian Studer 2018-10-06 03:34
Just saw that I already have a script which does this, WndLayout2.
To configure it, open the script in a text editor, then set the options at the top of the script like this:
APPS = Array(".*Mozilla Firefox")
POS = Array("0,0,1908,1043")
Const INTERVAL = 2
Christian Studer -
Christian Studer 2018-10-06 03:35
Regarding new post notifications: the forum doesn't support this.
Christian Studer -
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