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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Send to wrong desktop with 3 monitors
benno   2018-10-29 23:24
I have a three monitor setup including the native notebook display.
Display order is 1-3-2 which is shown correctly in the settings dialog and also in the send-to-desktop dialog.
But when I use send to desktop, the window is sent to the wrong desktop.
1 -> 3
3 -> 1
2 -> 2

Christian Studer   2018-10-30 03:42
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
benno   2018-10-30 04:15
Windows 10
Ultramon 3.4.0

Additional Info:
- Screen 2 is primary
- Screen 1 is notebook

benno   2018-10-30 04:56
Ok, I had missed the last update.
Seems to work with the latest version.

Christian Studer   2018-10-30 14:58
Not sure what might have caused this, but glad to hear it's working.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Send to wrong desktop with 3 monitors

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