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Andrew Fedorowicz 2018-11-26 23:29
I have now had Ultramon for approx. 9 years. I love it but there is one annoying thing about it which I was wondering if it could be fixed. I have 5 monitors. Whenever I shut down the monitors but keep the computer running, when I fire up the computer again on my return, my applications are no longer on the monitors where I left them - they're all over the place. Is there a remedy for this?
Christian Studer 2018-11-27 03:12
This happens with monitors connected via DisplayPort or HDMI, Windows detects when the monitors get turned off and then moves applications to the primary monitor.
UltraMon doesn't have an automatic workaround for this, what you could do is manually save/restore window positions using the SaveWndPos and RestoreWndPos scripts.
If putting the computer to sleep instead of turning off the monitors is an option, that would also fix the issue.
Christian Studer -
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