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Jim 2019-01-11 08:14
When using Maximize2Mon, I'll have an application maximize across screens 1 and 2 on my 4 screen setup.
On my previous system, I was able to restore down and have the application restore to screen 1 (my monitors are 1-4 left to right).
I'm now on a newly setup system with a fresh install of Ultramon 3.4.1 and when using Maximize2Mon and restoring down, everything snaps back to screen 2.
Is there a way to force the app to snap back to screen 1? On the older system, having this setup also allowed some dialog boxes to snap as well, which was extremely helpful.
Is there possibly some registry settings at play? I still have my older drive and can carry those over is necessary.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Christian Studer 2019-01-11 15:41
Is the leftmost monitor also #1 under UltraMon menu > Display Settings?
Christian Studer -
Jim 2019-01-14 08:57
Correct, the monitors are setup 1-2-3-4 left to right under both Windows 10 & Ultramon's display settings options.
Just an FYI, on my previous system, I never had to run any other script such as PositionWnd, PositionApp, etc., just Maximize2Mon. I have tried those scripts in the past few days, but nothing sets that window position on restore down.
My monitor #2 is primary, as it was on the previous system.
Christian Studer 2019-01-14 14:28
If you go to UltraMon menu > Windows Display Properties and check the Size of Text setting for each monitor, is one of the monitors using a setting other than 100%?
The script should always restore windows to the leftmost monitor.
Christian Studer -
Jim 2019-01-15 07:52
Each monitor is set to 100%, with a resolution of 1920x1080 in landscape.
Christian Studer 2019-01-15 15:42
Please post the display configuration from UltraMon menu > About, not sure what else might cause this, looks like everything should work fine.
Christian Studer -
Jim 2019-01-16 06:12
You'll see I'm one monitor short as my fourth gave up the ghost during the night. Great Acer quality!
Here is the display info: 3 monitors Current desktop: 5760x1080 (-1920,0 - 3840,1080)
Monitor 1 - V246HL: Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate Coordinates: -1920,0 - 0,1080. Workspace: -1920,40 - 0,1080 Video card: NVIDIA Quadro P620 Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0
Monitor 2 - V246HL (primary): Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate Coordinates: 0,0 - 1920,1080. Workspace: 0,40 - 1920,1080 Video card: NVIDIA Quadro P620 Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
Monitor 3 - V246HL: Settings: 1920x1080, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate Coordinates: 1920,0 - 3840,1080. Workspace: 1920,40 - 3840,1080 Video card: NVIDIA Quadro P620 Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0
Christian Studer 2019-01-17 15:43
Does this happen with all applications? I just tested with a similar configuration with Notepad, and this worked as expected with the application restoring to the leftmost monitor.
Christian Studer -
Jim 2019-01-18 09:23
It does, as it affects Microsoft Office apps, our own custom-house app, and even notepad.
If I activate the Maximize2Mon script using a hotkey (CTRL-W), it'll maximize over monitors 1 and 2 (left most and middle). When I click on the restore-down button in the upper right corner, it'll restore to monitor 2 every time.
If I hit my hotkeys again, it'll remain on monitor 1 but in a small window (so it always has to be expanded/restored).
Christian Studer 2019-01-18 13:22
Pressing the window button to the left of the close button will maximize the window to a single monitor, but the script supports changing the size of the restored window, to do this change the RESTORED_WIDTH and RESTORED_HEIGHT options on lines 3 and 4 of the script.
Alternatively you could use the Maximize2Mon2 script instead, this will restore windows to the original size and position.
Christian Studer -
Jim 2019-01-18 13:53
I've switched to Maximize2Mon2, per your advice, and it'll work for what I need.
Only wish I knew how my older system was able to restore down to the left monitor, as it was able to also carry over inner dialog window positions once I expanded it back over monitors 1 & 2 (meaning once I moved a dialog over from 2 to 1 and restored down or maximized, it remained on monitor 1).
Oh well, thank you for your help sir!
Christian Studer 2019-01-19 15:15
Not sure why that would have worked, the script sets a new restored position for the window, so clicking on the maximize/restore button will first maximize the window to a single monitor, then restore it to the previous size/position as set by the script.
Christian Studer -
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