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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Had to Uninstall after Windows 10 update
Greg   2019-01-25 12:56
I ran the latest Windows 10 update 2 days ago. Since then, the Ultramon window buttons stopped appearing and multiple programs would randomly crash. Which programs?

- Chrome: Chrome would randomly crash, then I could not open it without it immediately crashing. The only way I found to get to open at all would be to open it in incognito mode. Then it would open after that, maybe. Then it would go back to immediately crashing.

- ThinkOrSwim: This a stock market trading application. On my system it runs on 4 of my 6 monitors. It is normally very stable. But for last two days, would randomly crash.

- File Explorer: When trying to open it would hang like it was trying to load the view of the file structure. Then after about 10 seconds, crash. Then when attempted again, it would open.

- Any program trying to browse for a file: If I was in a program, any program, and tried to browse to open a document in that program, the program would hang, then crash.

I finally figured out that UltraMon was not functioning properly. I unsinstalled it and all the problems went away. Would love to put it back, but can't operate with the issues.

Anyone else have these issues?

Christian Studer   2019-01-25 14:33
Upgrading to 3.4.1 will fix this, a couple of changes were necessary to support version 1809 of Windows 10.

Christian Studer -
Greg   2019-01-25 14:56
I actually thought I had the latest version. But after being advised this was fixed in version 3.4.1, I went back into my folder history and looked at the program folder from yesterday and the version I had was version 3.4.0. I just reinstalled the software using 3.4.1 and it is working well so far. So for now, if anyone has this issue, install the latest version.

This is something I thought I had already eliminated as a possible fix, but apparently not. Thank you to the support team for a prompt response.

Stephanie   2019-03-05 09:57
I have the latest version 3.4.1, but in Windows 10, when I undock, my screens continually refresh. Redocking does not solve it. I have to close UltraMon before I undock or else I have to completely shut down and lose anythign I'm working on.

Christian Studer   2019-03-05 14:16
Under UltraMon Options > Taskbar Extensions, do you have either the 'remove Start button' or 'enable thinner vertical taskbars' option checked?

Another user reported the same issue with these options enabled, but so far I haven't seen this myself when undocking.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Had to Uninstall after Windows 10 update

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