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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Transfer v 3.3.0 bus. lic. from Win 7 to Win 10 on the same machine?
Rob   2019-06-06 12:58
I'm getting ready to install Win 10 v1903 on a Win 7 machine running UltraMon version 3.3.0. I've retrieved the ProductID from the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\92D26E4D1A138394C87BD772C5A1AE6C\InstallProperties
I've searched through the forum and come up empty handed. I'm trying to figure out if I need to unregister or deactivate the license, or possibly uninstall the software before I install Win 10 over the top of Win 7? Also, I'm curious if this has been tested on W10 v1903 yet? (Sorry if that's been answered, I didn't search that question)


University Eye Center/Michigan College of Optometry
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI
Christian Studer   2019-06-06 13:53
Upgrade to 3.4.1 before installing Windows 10, this way you'll have no issues. Releases prior to 3.4.1 won't work properly with Windows 10 version 1809 and later.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2019-06-17 05:20
Christian, thanks for the quick reply. I think I wasn't clear about the Win 10 installation. This will be a bare metal install, not an in-place upgrade from 7 to 10. Therefore, nothing from the currently installed Win 7 will be migrated during the imaging process. My concern is with how to reuse, or transfer the same license and not run into licensing errors. I'm trying to avoid getting an error message stating that the license has already been registered and can't be reused (or something along those lines).

:quote: I'm trying to figure out if I need to unregister or deactivate the license, or possibly uninstall the software before I install Win 10 over the top of Win 7? :endquote:

Thanks again,

University Eye Center/Michigan College of Optometry
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI
Christian Studer   2019-06-17 14:05
You can just use your existing registration information for the new installation, this will work fine.

You don't need to uninstall the Win7 installation if it will no longer be used.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2019-06-18 04:37

University Eye Center/Michigan College of Optometry
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Transfer v 3.3.0 bus. lic. from Win 7 to Win 10 on the same machine?

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