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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Applications that run full screen with no windows title bar
Ian   2020-01-27 04:23
I have an application that runs 'full screen' without a windows title bar.

Despite using 'force window buttons' and 'use alternative method to add window buttons' I cannot get window buttons to appear. Also because there is not title bar I can't drag the application on to my external monitor.

I suspect there is nothing to remedy this but does anyone have any thoughts?
Christian Studer   2020-01-27 13:12
Even when forcing window buttons UltraMon will still only add the buttons if the application has a title bar, it just uses relaxed rules to determine if that's the case.

What you could do is use a hotkey to move the window instead, look for the Move Window hotkeys under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Applications that run full screen with no windows title bar

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