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fruh 2020-04-25 16:54
Hello, I've just started trying Ultramon and so far it's been great and serves all my needs, but there's one slight snag,
When I use a hotkey (CTRL + F12) to disable/enable my secondary monitor, the refresh rate is set to 30hz instead of 60hz.
What's curious is when i use the built in "display settings" in UltraMon's right click menu and tell it to disable/enable secondary monitor, it remembers to set it back to 60hz.
It also remembers to set it back to 60hz in the normal windows control panel's screen resolution..uh. thing..
I'm running windows 7 ultimate with two screens
I've set all of the .exe's in the ultramon program folder to run as administrator too just in case.
Could this be a bug with Ultramon's hotkeys?
Christian Studer 2020-04-27 15:02
This won't always work correctly on Windows 7 and later, what you could do is use two display profiles instead and use the ApplyProfileAndWallpaperNumMons script to switch between the two profiles.
Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.
Christian Studer -
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