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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Move To Previous Monitor Script
Larry   2020-05-19 03:43
Is it possible to post/share the script that moves an active window to a previous monitor? I know there's a script up for moving to the Next monitor in the list, but not the Prev one. I also know that UltraMon allows me to assign that functionality via a Hotkey, but I'm trying to avoid hotkeys since I can bind VBS script execution directly to my extra mouse buttons via my mouse control software. It allows me to skip hotkeys. I just don't see that Move to Prev Monitor script anywhere that I can find.
Christian Studer   2020-05-19 17:03
Can you pass arguments to the script?

If yes you can do this with the MoveActiveWndNextMon script, just pass it the /p argument:

MoveActiveWndNextMon.vbs /p

Christian Studer -
Larry   2020-05-20 21:56
Yep, that worked. Thanks!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Move To Previous Monitor Script

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