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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> taskbar clock
RJ   2020-07-22 12:58
Options->Taskbar extensions I have selected to remove start button from secondary taskbar. The problem is this also hides the system clock.

Is there a way to fix this? Currently I have to goto taskbar settings->turn system icons on or off->toggle clock off/on and then it appears again until next reboot, where I need to repeat this.

If I do not remove the start button from the secondary monitor then upon startup, the clock appears on the secondary taskbar.
Christian Studer   2020-07-22 13:53
Which version of Windows 10 and UltraMon are you using? You can see the Windows version under Start Menu > Settings > System > About > Windows Specifications > Version.

I'm not seeing this on my system (Windows 10 version 2004 with UltraMon 3.4.1), the start button is removed from the secondary taskbars but the clock is still there.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2020-07-24 11:05
Ultramon 3.4.1
Win 10 Pro v2004 b19041.388
RJ   2020-07-24 16:46
I have the windows start button removed from the secondary taskbar and reboot -> no clock.

I leave the start button -> reboot, no clock on secondary taskbar.
RJ   2020-07-25 14:06
Whoops. I leave the start button -> reboot, clock on secondary taskbar.
Christian Studer   2020-07-26 12:29
Please try the following: close UltraMon, then when the start button and clock are visible again on the secondary taskbar, run SecTbarTestWin10.exe and rename the generated file to SecTbarTestWin10_before.txt. Then start UltraMon again, and once the start button and clock have been hidden run SecTbarTestWin10.exe again, then send me both text files to or post the contents here.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2020-07-28 14:34
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> taskbar clock

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