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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Screen Saver Player instructions...idiots guide
Rebecca   2020-10-09 11:11
I have set up UltraMon, and also downloaded Screen Saver Player with a view to allowing a screen saver to run on my secondary monitor, whilst I still work on my primary. That is the premise of it, right?
I just can't get that to happen. (The screensavers still plays on both). What exactly do I have to do please? Idiots guide... Many thanks
Christian Studer   2020-10-09 11:24
To set this up, run ScrPlayer.exe and move it to the secondary monitor, then select File > Open from the menu, navigate to the folder C:\Windows\System32 and select the screen saver you want to run, for example Ribbons, then select View > Full Screen from the menu to have it run fullscreen on the secondary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Rebecca   2020-10-10 07:59
thanks for the reply, didn't realise it was literally a window to watch the screensaver. turns out the screensaver I wanted to use just didn't have the preview ability, so couldn't see it.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Screen Saver Player instructions...idiots guide

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